Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Surprise Attack

So I actually decided to give one guy my number on match.  He seemed super normal.  He was even kinda nerdy.  He had a "Keep Calm and Chive on" t-shirt, which is pretty geeky.  He was clean cut - short dark hair, blue eyes, and had very normal pictures.  He is an engineer, and well-traveled.  So I figured "ok maybe there are some normal people on here". WRONG.

The first day he texted me we had a normal conversation.  He said he had a cat which is kind of weird but I overlooked it because at least he was an animal lover, and his cat was named after the best rapper alive (Weezy).

Well, late the second day of texting, he asks if I like tattoos.  I replied not particularly, and he says oh.  I asked if he had any and he said "just two little guys" - and then i received this picture (note: I cropped his head out because I don't want to get sued or something):

So here is our text convo after I receive the picture (note: I wasn't sure if it was him because in this picture his hair was longer, so I thought it was a joke - my text is in white, his is in blue).

And boom goes the dynamite.  I'm still really proud of the "Pokemon" comment.  Who wakes up one morning and goes "hmm, I think I am going to get two cartoonish mythological dragons on both of my shoulders in permanent ink".  This would potentially be acceptable if he was twelve-and-a-half when he got them! I feel completely blind sided by Dragon-Ball-Z loser, yet it's hysterical.


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