Sunday, July 8, 2012

Dr. Love

I actually received this one a while back before I began the blog, but this one is pretty funny.  Background: this guy claims to be a neuro-surgeon and has pictures of himself in surgery on his page.  Ok Dr. Douchelord Here is the first e-mail I received from Dr. Love:

Hey I just read your profile and found it quite interesting that you are an accountant. You must love your job since you don't consider it boring.

With you being really pretty, I'm sure you get a lot of messages from guys every day (that's a good thing!).

I'm Gary. I used to live in Houston till high school and just got back in town after completing my residency from UCLA (Univ. of California Los Angeles). I'm a neurosurgeon and I'm usually working at the hospital. Sometimes it's hard to meet fun people. I am always up for meeting someone new and having a great conversation and having a blast. I'm a pretty fun guy in person. I like lift weights almost every day. I'm down for most things, pool, salsa dancing (I'm pretty smooth, can you keep up?), movies, outdoors, concerts, museums, etc. But I am also traditional, family guy and conservative (in certain things).

In fact, the nurses think I'm the craziest doctor they have seen (don't worry they mean it in a good way. I'm good to my patients!). I once salsa danced (just light steps) with a patient before surgery to calm her nerves!

I'm interested in meeting and learning more about you. Maybe we can hang out sometime this week. Looking forward to hearing back from you.

Now, I was telling my friend who is also on match about this winner, and we realized he sent her the exact same e-mail (except he tweaked the first paragraph to make it personalized).  Well, I found this to be unacceptable, and since he was a tool anyway, I decided to respond:


Just some advice, you may want to change up your e-mails a bit more considering you sent one of my friends basically the exact same e-mail.

Also, if a girl doesn't know what UCLA is, she's a fucking moron.

Cheers and good luck, chief.

Some men will never learn.


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