Saturday, July 14, 2012

The profile picture

Here is a collection of my favorite profile pictures.  The best is when they are pictures of themselves that they took with their go phone.  Self portraits with cell phones are NEVER acceptable unless: 1) someone else is in the picture with you 2) you are taking a picture to send to a family member (point in case: to show a new hairdo) or 3) when sexting (if you're into that sort of thing).

Please enjoy:

Listen up yell-leader, you took a picture of yourself in your bathroom.  Is that your hand in your pocket or are you just excited to see your reflection?

I REALLY like the fact that this guy put a note "I removed the proof that  took a picture of myself in the mirror :)".  Really glad you did that chief.  Except you have a mullet and you took a picture of yourself with a mirror.

Glamour shot with fido.  It's one thing for a girl to do it- it's kinda weird when a guy does it.  I mean, he is cute - but that is his profile picture. Weird.

This guy wants to make sure the ladies know he can afford a 3 series convertible BMW and that he can take it on top of his apartment garage (which happens to be City Vista).  If you were a big timer you wouldn't live in an apartment, chief.

Having this as a profile pictures is just asking for crazy people to message you. He looks like football Jesus, but with his shirt off.

Why on earth would you post a picture where you look like an alien? Ladies, can you imagine this on top of you? Gross.

Ok this guy is actually hot.  But the fact that he took a picture of himself automatically disqualified himself.


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