Tuesday, July 10, 2012

It's just too funny not to...

...show you the pics of my fellow suitors.  I was super cautious about it in the beginning, but I figure as long as I don't share their names it shouldn't be a big deal.  Oh and by the way, dragon-ball-z tattoo freak TEXTED ME after our conversation.  Two days later I received a "Hey". I was super tempted to respond "oh hey Pikachu hows it going", but I realized he had my real number and I already made a massive mistake giving him my number in the first place.

Without further ado, here are pictures of what this cat has dragged out of the awful match-bag:

Oh hayyy cowboy fan. No.

I just don't understand the expression on his face.  You can tell he is holding a child, but he looks like he is super awkward and uncomfortable.  And who seriously wears sheepskin coats, much less with white-tees?  

This guy is from another post as well (oh yeah sign me up).  In the top pictures- he looks like he belongs in the jersey shore.  GTL anyone?  But what really "gets" me is his second pic, which also serves as his profile pictures.  He looks: confused, constipated, high, stupid, and ridiculous all in one.

You animal you.

I'd rather date the dog.

I feel like this Texans fan and the Cowboy fan are besties.


This my friends, is the "Romeo" i referred to in an early post.  In the flesh.  Now that you can put a face to a name, doesn't it just make reading his e-mail THAT much better? How could you NOT want to date this man in a shiny suit with a lavender vest/tie ensemble?  Mmmmmhmmmm.


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