Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Mall Stalker

Well I received a very interesting e-mail today.  This guy has chatted me before and I didn't respond.  Apparently I run through his mind because i received this:

Let the beat build

So I'm an idiot. 

I was walking around the mall looking for some new running shoes, no big deal. As I'm walking by a store, I look in and see a shirt with lsutiger on it. Then I think to myself, "Why is your screen name on a t shirt?" I look at the shirt a second time and realize,'s LSU Tigers. 

When I first saw your profile I was thinking Sutiger was your last name, and L was your first initial. It never occurred to me that's not at all what it is....shut up.
 *My screen name is lsutiger or something I honestly don't even remember.
Anyway- what an idiot.  Match needs to create an IQ test as part of the screening process.

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