Thursday, June 28, 2012

I receive these on the daily...

Here is a selection of e-mails I have received this week:

AdventureE:I want a sexy woman from Louisiana
-Note: He is a 37 year old fat guido who lives 4 hours away. Seriously?

InsertNameHere: What the hell is your problem?? Why do you insist on staying here on earth when you belong in heaven with the rest of the angels? Yes that was very lame but I just wanted to get your attention. Hi I'm Josh. How are you?
-Note: Josh is in no way, shape (certainly not), or form attractive.  He is also a divorcee - which would be fine if he were attractive. But he's not. He is 32, large, and in charge (but obviously not of his eating habits).

IamnotSmoothatAll: There for a second you had me worried because I figured everyone from the south was a coonass. Lol
-Note: He is 30, he offended me, AND he used "lol". Sick.

I'm not going to even comment anymore...but I receive these daily.  Do they seriously expect a response?

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