Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Date Rager

The date rager is probably on steroids.  He is quite pushy and forward and just REALLY WANTS TO GO ON A DATE.  He basically will shove a tube down your throat to make you eat because he just WANTS TO GO ON A DATE.

First e-mail:
Hey I don't really know how this works but I would like to take you out for a drink and get to know you better.

I see this and I'm like what the hell - I don't even know you.  So I go to his profile to find out a little bit about him, and make sure he isn't a serial killer.  He has barely filled out his profile, and has ONE picture. 

So I respond:
I'm still figuring this out too.  Tell me a little bit about yourself- what do you like to do for fun, where did you go, etc.  I just need to make sure you're not a serial killer or complete psycho.

He reponds:
Haha I completely understand, I enjoy being outdoors, hunting, fishing, bike riding ect and I got my degree from Texas A&M in business.  I now live in Houston and work in the exporting industry. Let me know if you're free some time I would like to take you out for dinner and maybe a drink.

My thoughts:
1) He sucks at grammar.  He should double check himself before he e-mails someone. Hello- just TRY to impress me.
2) He went to A&M. This could be ok- but there is the chance that he is one of those OBNOXIOUS fans that I just can't handle.
3) Exporting industry? This sounds sketchy. Exporting what - bodies of ladies who you went out with on That's like me saying I'm in accounting when I actually do accounting for drug lords in Columbia.  Details people.
4) You have already made it clear that you want me to drink and eat.  Which is nice. Except it's very Christian Grey foreceful (yes 50 Shades of Grey reference- which is a terrible novel- but I'm just making a point here). 

This guy is just out of control.  I can see myself lying in a ditch somehwere while he exports my vital organs to a foreign countries black market.  No thanks.

Stay tuned for the Pompous Ass(es - because there are multiple).


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