"Live a good life. If there are Gods, and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are Gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no Gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memory of your loved ones"
-Marcus Aurelius
I'm Juan. Mama's boy. Nurse. Dork. Fitness junkie. Philosopher-in-training. Sports fanatic. Video gamer. Knowledge seeker. Yoda understudy. Fabio double. Just an average guy looking to make new friends, or dare I say, meet the one.
I moved here a couple months ago to start a nursing job in drug rehabilitation. Love what I do, and I'm extremely passionate about drugs, as awkward as that sounds. Working on going back to school to also get a masters in business, with the hopes of opening up drug rehab centers.... That's the plan anyway
My fitness defines me and is a huge part of who I am. I regularly run Memorial park, getting ready for a couple marathons in the near future(San Fran July 30th, Maui September 29th). I'm also in a basketball league. I wear #26, symbolic of marathons, lol.
I think intelligence is the most amazing characteristic anyone can have, followed by a great personality.
I'm here to meet new people. Its difficult being the new guy on the block. Hopefully I can meet some interesting people. I think love comes from the most unpredictable of places and is usually never planned, however I am open to the idea of a relationship, should the right one come along.
If you think I have truly fallen in love then apparently you have not read enough of my blog. This is what I have gathered from this fools profile:
1) "Mama's Boy" - aka he still lives at home. I know this because he has pics with his mom all over his profile.
2) "Philosopher-in-training" - Well ok Aristotle, student of Plato, what makes you say you're a philosopher? Can you even read? Nichomachean Ethics anyone? Bueller? Your philosophy most likely comes from Mitch Hedburg.
3) "Video Gamer" - Ok gentlemen in the audience: if you enjoy video games, that is fine. But don't freely admit it until after you've started dating the chick. It's a total turn off (but if the girl already loves you, she'll overlook it if you're lucky)
3) "Knowledge Seeker" - we already know you are trying to be smart, Einstein.
4) Yoda Understudy - What does this even mean? That you can switch up sentences? Fucking idiot, you are.
5) Drug rehabilitation- aka he used to do drugs. Don't even deny it. And since he won't allow himself to take them anymore he probably obsesses about what other people get to experience. That is not normal. All of a sudden a girl is white girl wasted on the dance floor and Dr. Drew is all up and analyzing her and shit before he brings her home.
5) Being #26 in basketball - Glad you know what symbolism is Thoreau. Lol.
6) And the best part of this Muchacho - his profile picture:
I swear to God I did not alter this. This is his Profile Picture!!!
Here's another one for kicks:
Seems more like the Hulk than a philosopher. Or The Situation - except we can call him - The Non-Occurence cause this ain't happenin!!