Saturday, September 8, 2012

We have a winner!!!

Ok so first I would like to apologize for disappearing.  I have completely dropped the ball - but after meeting a "fan" (I quote that loosely because there are maybe 10 people following this blog and I had never met this lady before so I felt cool ok?), I felt obligated to get on good 'ole match again and see which fish are biting.  And, just like never disappoints, I caught a good one:

Hey hun 

I wouls love to talk and see where it goes umm heres more about me then.....i am very down to earth, i wear my heart on my sleeve and sometimes that ends up hurting me in the long run.....i live life to the fullest, like to go out and also stay in....looking for a job right now....since came back from basic training from army on aug hurt and missed too much training 

im back to being a volunteer firefighter and also signed up to be a driver for the ambulance every now and then too.....and im also back at college at lonestar...... 

i like all types of music and mostly country and i can dance...... 

i like all types of food and the color blue....i like to swim and goto the gym when i can but need to go more ...... 

Ur turn!!!! 

Ok this is a serious question: why do men in general think I want a pet name  - especially before I have even met them?  It's one thing to have been dating a while and come up with a nickname - but calling me "babe" "hun" or "sweetheart" just means either a) he doesn't have enough neurons to remember my name or b) he has too many other babe's to tend to and doesn't want to get up mixed up.  Now in homeboy's case, it's neither - but for real, do not call me hun, got it sweetcheeks?

Next point...why doesn't he complete full sentences...I am reading his paragraph and I just never know when to pause because he continues to...

If he wears his heart on his sleeve, what does he do when he wears a tank top??  Because this feller looks like he would wear wife beaters FA SHO.  In all sincerity, I do appreciate the random odds and end jobs he does to make ends meet, but what the hell is Lonestar College?  Not to be a snob, and not that I went to an Ivy League school,  but is that even real? Judging by the way he types, I think not.

When I see e-mails like this I am so so tempted to respond - I really just can't help myself.  So I did:

Hey Dollface,

So glad we're chatting!  But I have to say, I am really opposite from you.  I am not down to earth at all - I'm actually just a very pompous egomaniac.  I eat guys like you for breakfast.  In fact, if we dated, my entire job would be to piss you off.  Considering you don't exactly have the best grammar, I can already tell that texting back and forth with you would make me want to punch a baby.  Which is pretty bad.  

Sorry you got hurt in training - I do appreciate the fact that you attempted to fight for our country.  I bet you feel pretty weak considering you never made it into the actual army right?  What a bummer!

So, what exactly is Lonestar College? Is it one of those online colleges where you tell yourself you're receiving a degree, but in actuality you get a G.E.D which makes you employable for blue collar jobs?  Hate to break this to you, but I plan on being a trophy wife, so I need someone who milks the cash cow if you get what I mean cowboy.

Well best of luck on everything.  Sorry I'm not the girl for you, but I promise you keep reaching out to chicks on match and you'll surely be successful.

Ur ridiculous if you think I'm actually into you, Bro.  I'm officially going to hell.